Thursday, July 26, 2007

La trama energética...

Ojito porqué parte del móbil está aquí:

The Indian government gives approval for Enron's Dabhol power plant, located near Bombay. Enron has invested $3 billion. Enron tries to make the plant financially viable by investing in gas fields in nearby Uzbekistan, but it cannot get that gas to Dabhol without a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Construction of the plant is abandoned just before completion.
La trama petrolera será una constante que irá tomando más y más fuerza con el avance de los años...veremos el asunto Unocal.

1994: The Taliban begin their conquest of Afghanistan. CNN reports, "The Taliban are widely alleged to be the creation of Pakistan's military intelligence [the ISI]. Experts say that explains the Taliban's swift military successes." The CIA also worked with the ISI to create the Taliban. A regional expert with extensive CIA ties says: "I warned them that we were creating a monster." After 9/11, the Wall Street Journal states: "Despite their clean chins and pressed uniforms, the ISI men are as deeply fundamentalist as any bearded fanatic; the ISI created the Taliban as their own instrument and still supports it."
En efecto: los talibanes fueron creados por CIA con ayuda en el campo de ISI (Pakistán), cómo ya comentamos tres o cuatro posts atrás.

Pero claro, empieza a ser realmente complicado ocultar todo esto, demasiada gente lo sabe todo:
The government of Sudan offers the US all of its files on bin Laden and al-Qaeda, but the US turns down the offer. Bin Laden had been living in Sudan since 1991. The Sudanese government collected a "vast intelligence database on Osama bin Laden and more than 200 leading members of his al-Qaeda terrorist network... [The US was] offered thick files, with photographs and detailed biographies of many of his principal cadres, and vital information about al-Qaeda's financial interests in many parts of the globe." In April 1996, the US again rejects Sudan's offer of the files. An American involved in the secret negotiations later says that the offer was blocked by another arm of the federal government: "I've never seen a brick wall like that before. Somebody let this slip up... We could have dismantled his operations and put a cage on top. It was not a matter of arresting bin Laden but of access to information... and that's what could have prevented September 11. I knew it would come back to haunt us". Sudan also offers the files to England. Also turned down.

Y luego el tema Bojinka, nuevamente encubierto:
Philippine police uncover plans for Operation Bojinka, an al-Qaeda operation led by 1993 WTC bomber Ramzi Yousef and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. The plan is to explode 12 passenger planes over the Pacific Ocean simultaneously on January 21, 1995. If successful, up to 4,000 people would have been killed. Plans found for a second phase of attacks are also found. Planes would be hijacked and flown into buildings. The WTC, CIA headquarters, Pentagon and the Sears Tower are specifically mentioned as targets. One pilot, who learned to fly in US flight schools, confesses that his role was to crash a plane into CIA headquarters.
En mi modesta opinión, y esto es sólo opinión, con el descubrimiento de la trama Bojinka la CIA se da cuenta de que existen ya demasiadas facciones de Al-Qaeda o cómo-queráis-llamarles que están fuera de control. Bojinka, en mi humilde opinión, no es una trama de la CIA sinó de una splinter cell de Al-Qaeda. Tema muy interesante.

In the wake of the uncovering of the Operation Bojinka plot, a letter written by the terrorists who planned the failed 1993 WTC bombing is found on a computer disk in the Philippines. This letter warns that future attacks would be more precise and they would continue to target the WTC if their demands were not met. This letter was never sent, but its contents are revealed in 1998 congressional testimony.
A mediados de los 90, opinión mia de nuevo, creo que CIA empieza a darse cuenta de que Al-Qaeda escapa ya a su control y decide, en un proceso complejo, pegar un puñetazo sobre la mesa para recuperar el control de esa organización ya gigantesca. Para mí, y estando abierto a todo, los atentados de Madrid y Londres pueden leerse en esa misma clave. Y lo mismo aplico a Mogadiscio 94, y Riyadh.
Cómo veremos, a Clinton se le hincharon los huevos a instancias de sus asesores.

Finalizamos con esto:
The oil company Unocal signs a contract with Turkmenistan to export $8 billion worth of natural gas through a $3 billion pipeline which would go from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. Henry Kissinger is a consultant for Unocal.
Oh, la hostia!!!!
El Tio Henry es el negociador de Unocal para construir el oleoducto por Afghanistan...curioso...¿qué pasaría si los Talibanes, el gobierno Afghano de facto, rechazaran tal propuesta?

Asia Times, 18 Enero 2001
MSNBC, 10/2/01
New Yorker, 10/16/01
CNN, 10/5/96
Guardian, 9/30/01 Village Voice, 10/31/01
Times of India, 3/7/01 Independent, 6/6/02 Los Angeles Times, 6/24/02
CNN, 2/27/02
Agence France Presse, 12/8/01]

Village Voice, 9/26/01] Washington Post, 9/23/01
New Yorker, 7/9/01 Asia Times, 1/26/02

Washington Post, 10/5/98

Asia Times, 1/81/01

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Y ganó Clinton...

Y ojito que el tema no hace sinó empeorar.

1992: It is reported that the FBI is investigating the connections between James Bath and George Bush Jr. Bath is Salem bin Laden's official representative in the US. "Documents indicate that the Saudis were using Bath and their huge financial resources to influence US policy," since Bush Jr.'s father is president. Bush denies any connections to Saudi money. What became of this investigation is unclear.
Creo que no es necesario que añada más.

1992: Defense Planning Guidance (written by Paul Wolfowitz and Lewis Libby, who hold relatively low posts at the time): Interests to be defended pre-emptively include "access to vital raw materials, primarily Persian Gulf oil, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles, [and] threats to US citizens from terrorism".
Los halcones Wolfowitz (muy famoso ultimamente) y Libby (más aun, el tema del pastel amarillo) ponen sobre la mesa su plan maestro, heavily based en las tesis de Brzezinski.

In his last days in office as Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney releases a document called Defense Strategy for the 1990s. It reasserts the plans for US global domination outlined in an earlier Pentagon policy paper. But because of Clinton's presidential victory, the implementation of these plans will have to wait until Bush Jr. becomes president in 2001 and Cheney becomes vice president. However, Cheney and others will continue to refine this vision of global domination through the Project for the New American Century think tank while they wait to reassume political power.
Ya hablaremos del PNAC, pero observen la fuerza con que el sector halcón prepara su agenda global.

The First Saudi Secretary at UN defects and seeks political asylum in the US. He brings with him 14,000 internal government documents depicting the Saudi royal family's corruption, human-rights abuses, and financial support for terrorists. He meets with two FBI agents. "We gave them a sampling of the documents and put them on the table," says his lawyer, "but the agents refused to accept them." The documents include "details of the $7 billion the Saudis gave to Saddam Hussein for his nuclear program, but FBI agents were "ordered not to accept evidence of Saudi criminal activity, even on US soil."
Los helmanos Saudíes,... y el FBI achicando. Yo, la verdad, no sé si esto lo sabéis todos o casi nadie...sigamos...

After the Taliban takes control of the area around Kandahar, Afghanistan, high-ranking UAE and Saudi government ministers such as Saudi intelligence minister Prince Turki al-Faisal , frequently secretly fly into Kandahar on state and private jets for hunting expeditions. While there, some develop ties to the Taliban and al-Qaeda and give them money. Bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar would sometimes participate in these hunting trips.
Innegable la conexión Washington-Saudíes, demostrada también de forma reiterada la conexión Saudíes-Al-Qaeda. El FBI liberando a mujahidines arrestados, ocultando documentación, ya saben....un follón...


New York Times, 3/8/92 Harper's, 10/02 Newsday, 3/16/03]
Newsday, 3/16/03
Harper's, 10/02]
New Yorker, 10/16/01 Best Democracy Money Can Buy,
Los Angeles Times, 2/25/02

Los Angeles Times, 11/18/01
Asia Times, 1/81/01 New York Times, 3/20/01

Monday, July 02, 2007

Y a principios de los 90...

Sigamos atando cabos:

Canadian police arrest Ali Mohamed, a high ranking al-Qaeda figure. However, they release him when the FBI says he is a US agent. He's a former US Army sergeant, and will continue to work for al-Qaeda.
Al parecer, tanto la CIA como el FBI están bien metidos en Al-Qaeda, por no decir que virtualmente contribuye a formarlo.

February 26, 1993: A bombing attempt to knock down the WTC fails. Six people are killed in the misfired blast. The bombing is organized by Ramzi Yousef, who has close ties to bin Laden. The New York Times later reports that an undercover agent testifies that the FBI knew about the attack beforehand and told him they would thwart it by substituting a harmless powder for the explosives. However, this plan was called off by an FBI supervisor, and the bombing was not stopped. Several of the bombers were trained by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war - the CIA later concludes in internal documents that it was "partly culpable" for this bombing attempt.
Tiene gracia. El FBI reconoce que sabía lo del atentado en WTC del 93, que pudo evitarlo, pero que no supo/quiso/pudo evitarlo. Que levante la mano quien ya sabía esto.

Pakistan's President Benazir Bhutto, feeling the mujaheddin network has grown too strong, tells President George Bush Sr., "You are creating a Frankenstein."
Obsérvese que Bhutto no le dice a Bush (padre) que está "colaborando" con un monstruo, sinó que está "creando" uno.

The CIA, ISI and bin Laden work together to build the Khost tunnel complex in Afghanistan. This will be a major target of bombing and fighting in the US defeat of the Taliban in 2001.
Recordaréis, ese gigantesco complejo de túneles subterráneos dónde, en las horas inminentes a la invasión, Bin Laden y su cuadrilla se escondían. A la postre, más de 900 vehículos de Al-Qaeda abandonarían el complejo de noche ante la mirada de la CIA tras la invasión.

En el 91 Bin Laden se instala en Sudán, en el 93 empieza a enivar a tios a escuelas de aviación de EEUU, y Bin Laden buys a jet from the US military in Arizona (the Pentagon approved the transaction). This aircraft is later used to transport missiles from Pakistan that kill American special forces in Somalia.

¿Con qué nos quedamos hoy?
Con que no sólo existe una cercana y probada relación entre Bush/Washington con Arabia Saudí, sinó que parece probado más allá de toda duda el papel de EEUU organizando, armando y protegiendo a los mujaidines de Al-Qaeda.

Harper's, 10/02

Washington Post, 10/2/01
Globe and Mail, 11/22/01 CNN, 10/30/98 Independent, 11/1/98

Wall Street Journal, 11/26/01
Congressional Hearings, 2/24/98 New York Times, 10/28/93
Newsweek, 9/24/01

Atlantic Monthly, 5/96
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9/23/01 UPI, 6/14/01
Miami Herald, 9/24/01 Sunday Herald, 9/16/01
Houston Chronicle, 6/4/92
Salon, 11/19/01