Thursday, September 27, 2007

Se va cerrando el círculo...

No se lo pierdan pues todo esto empezará a cobrar sentido bien pronto:

1996: The Taliban conquer Kabul, establishing control over much of Afghanistan. The oil company Unocal is hopeful that the Taliban will stabilize Afghanistan, and allow its pipeline plans to go forward. In fact, "preliminary agreement [on the pipeline] was reached between the [Taliban and Unocal] long before the fall of Kabul." "Oil industry insiders say the dream of securing a pipeline across Afghanistan is the main reason why Pakistan, a close political ally of America's, has been so supportive of the Taliban, and why America has quietly acquiesced in its conquest of Afghanistan."
Uy, o sea que el Gobierno USA ha aceptado que los Talibanes conquistaran Afghanistan por las armas a cambio de que le den al tio Henry y a su Unocal el famoso oleoducto...qué cosas tienen esos americanos, a la chilena...o argentina...o....

May 1996: Sudan offers to extradite bin Laden to anywhere he might stand trial. The US decides not to take him because they apparently don't have enough evidence at the time to charge him with a crime. Saudi Arabia doesn't want him either. US officials nonetheless insist that Sudan must expel bin Laden. One US intelligence source in the region later states: "We kidnap minor drug czars and bring them back in burlap bags. Somebody didn't want this to happen." On May 18, bin Laden and about 150 supporters take a flight to Afghanistan, bringing all of their money, resources and personnel. The US knows in advance that bin Laden is going to Afghanistan, but does nothing to stop him. Sudan's minister of state for defense later says in an interview: "We warned [the US]. In Sudan, bin Laden and his money were under our control. But we knew that if he went to Afghanistan no one could control him".
Vaya, vaya, abstengo de poner aquí discursitos de Clinton sobre el particular, súmensele los de la Administración Bush negando conocimiento sobre el particular. No puedo más que triangular implicación de la inteligencia norteamericana.

Primavera de 1997: Se forma "The Project for a New American Century" (PNAC), un think-tank formado por la vasta mayoría de la -a la postre- Administración Bush antes y durante el 11-S.
Ya hablaremos de esto tios bien pronto.

Creo que ha quedado demostrado:
a-Conocimiento previo.
b-Acquiescencia la Inteligencia americana con Al-Qaeda, más concretamente con Osama Bin Laden.

Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02 El Mundo, 9/30/01
Washington Post, 10/3/01
Time, 5/4/98

The Cell, John Miller, Michael Stone and Chris
[Dawn, 10/30/02]
Mitchell, 8/02, pp. 154-165
Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, 1/22/98

[PNAC Principles, 6/3/97] ABC News, 3/5/03 (B)]


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Por no decir que en Sudán el Gobierno proislamista permitía a Bin Laden entrenar yihadistas en campos de entrenamiento del cuerpo de voluntarios para el ejército.

Los yankees sabían la ubicación exacta de estos campos, pero los nunca bombardearon porque les faltaban evidencias, según ellos.

Acojonante el cinismo.

Yan Liu

PD: Felicidades por el post, Capitán.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger General Fórceps said...

Sin embargo, Clinton echó cuatro petardos bastante más al norte, ya de camino a la puerta.

Saludos gran Yan.

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