Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Amor verdadero

Oh, evidencia de que UBL estaba detrás de las negociaciones para el oleoducto:"During the investigation of the 1998 embassy bombings, FBI counter-terrorism expert John O'Neill finds a memo by al-Qaeda leader Mohammed Atef on a computer. The memo shows that bin Laden's group has a keen interest in and detailed knowledge of negotiations between the Taliban and the US over an oil and gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Atef's analysis suggests that the Taliban are not sincere in wanting a pipeline, but are dragging out negotiations to keep Western powers at bay". De locos.

Las petroleras empiezan a retirarse del proyecto visto que no hay manera de mover el tema de una santa vez: "Unocal announces its withdrawing from the CentGas pipeline consortium, and closing three of its four offices in Central Asia."

Y a renglón seguido: "With the chances of a pipeline deal with the Taliban looking increasingly unlikely, the US government issues an executive order prohibiting commercial transactions with the Taliban". Oh, qué pena.....

¿Les parece claro este memo?: "British intelligence warns US intelligence that al-Qaeda has plans to use "commercial aircraft" in "unconventional ways", "possibly as flying bombs."

La evidencia se acumula pero siempre, SIEMPRE, las investigaciones quedan paralizadas: "A government informant records a conversation between some illegal arms dealers and Pakistani ISI agents held within view of the WTC. An ISI agent points to the WTC and says, "Those towers are coming down." He later makes other references to an attack on the WTC. The informant passes these warnings on to Senator Bob Graham and others, but later claims "The complaints were ordered sanitized by the highest levels of government." Senator Graham admits being "concerned" about this warning before 9/11, but apparently the warning is not passed on"

Algo muy gordo se está cociendo, y algunos se movilizan: "The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, creo) issues the first of three warnings to the nation's airports and airlines urging a ''high degree of vigilance'' against threats to US civil aviation from al-Qaeda. It specifically warns against a possible terrorist hijacking ''at a metropolitan airport in the Eastern U.S."

Ojito, que Enron contraatacaría: "June 1999: Enron announces an agreement to build a $140 million power plant in the Gaza Strip. One of the major financers for the project comes from the Saudi Binladin Group, a company owned by Osama's family. This is the second attempted project between these two companies. 90% complete, the construction is halted because of Palestinian - Israeli violence and then Enron's bankruptcy". Y con los Bin Laden, ni más ni menos!!! Me mojo tóa! ¿Sería posible encontrar una solución?

Parece claro que el tema del oleoducto era una prioridad Alfa en Houston, e indirectamente, en la Casa Blanca: "Bill Richardson, the US Ambassador to the UN, meets Taliban officials in Kabul (all such meetings are technically illegal, because the US still officially recognizes the government the Taliban ousted as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan). US officials call the oil and gas pipeline project a "fabulous opportunity" and are especially motivated by the "prospect of circumventing Iran, which offered another route for the pipeline."

Amor verdadero, sin duda. Y el amor es capaz de cualquier cosa...

AFP, 9/22/01 Focus, 9/24/01 Berliner Zeitung, 9/24/01 Observer, 9/30/01
Sunday Times, 6/9/02

New York Times, 12/3/01

MSNBC, 8/2/02 WPBF Channel 25, 8/5/02, MSNBC, 3/18/03]
Boston Globe, 5/26/02

New York Times, 12/30/01

Washington Post, 3/2/02]

Boston Globe, 9/20/01

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hawks rising

Ojito que el tema se empieza a poner muy denso. Si os perdéis me parais:
"US intelligence learns that al-Qaeda is trying to establish a terrorist cell within the US. "

Recuerden PNAC de hace unos tres posts: "PNAC publishes a letter to President Clinton, urging war against Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein because he is a "hazard" to "a significant portion of the world's supply of oil."The letter calls for the US to go to war alone, attacks the United Nations, and says the US should not be "crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council." 10 of the 18 signatories later join the Bush Administration: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Assistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Undersecretaries of State John Bolton and Paula Dobriansky, presidential adviser for the Middle East Elliott Abrams, and Bush's special Iraq envoy Zalmay Khalilzad"
Fíjateeeeeeeee los halcones apretando a Clinton!

Y dale: "US intelligence obtains information from several sources that bin Laden is considering attacks in the US, including Washington and New York. This information is given to senior US officials in July 98"
O sea, que el tema ya se estaba a punto de escapar de las manos. Y eso que aun no hemos visto nada...

"FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent are tracking a terrorist cell in Chicago. A supervisor prohibits Wright and Vincent from making any arrests connected to the bombings, or opening new criminal investigations. Even though they believe their case is growing stronger, in January 2001 Wright is told that the Chicago case is being closed and that "it's just better to let sleeping dogs lie". Wright tells ABC: "Those dogs weren't sleeping, they were training, they were getting ready. ... September the 11th is a direct result of the incompetence of the FBI's International Terrorism Unit.". Chicago federal prosecutor Mark Flessner, also working on the case, says there "were powers bigger than I was in the Justice Department and within the FBI that simply were not going to let [the building of a criminal case] happen." Wright will write an internal FBI memo slamming the FBI in June 2001"
¿Alguien duda que lo que digo es cierto? Una cobertura DESCARADA, Alguien de muy, pero que muy arriba en CIA y FBI estaba apagando fuegos...

Más: "A US intelligence assessment: "[bin Laden] is actively planning against US targets... Multiple reports indicate [he] is keenly interested in striking the US on its own soil... al-Qaeda is recruiting operatives for attacks in the US but has not yet identified potential targets"

..y más: "In a Time magazine cover story entitled "The Hunt for Osama," it is reported intelligence sources "have evidence that bin Laden may be planning his boldest move yet - a strike on Washington or possibly New York City in an eye-for-an-eye retaliation. 'We've hit his headquarters, now he hits ours,' says a State Department aide".

Y ya paro para no aburrirles. Considero probado que había PLENO conocimiento de las operaciones de Bin Laden y que la CIA tenía acceso total a la agenda de Al-Qaeda. No puede explicarse de otra manera el abortar operaciones contra-terroristas de esta manera.

Manila Times, 10/2/01 International Herald Tribune, 10/5/01 AP, 9/28/01
Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/16/01 Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02]
UPI, 11/1/01
ABC, 11/26/02
Sunday Herald, 10/7/01 Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02
Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02] New York Times, 9/18/02
Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, 10/12/98] Washington Post, 9/19/02
Sunday Herald, 3/16/03 PNAC Letter, 1/26/98

Time, 12/21/98

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yo soy amigo del loco

Tras los atentados en Kenya y Tanzania (aun estamos en el 98), "The US fires approximately 60 missiles at six training camps in Afghanistan and about 20 missiles at a pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, Sudan in retaliation for the US embassy bombings."

Paralelamente, "The FBI office in Oklahoma City sends a memo on this day warning that "large numbers of Middle Eastern males" are getting flight training in Oklahoma and could be planning terrorist attacks". Estos avisos serían intencionadamente ignorados, nuevamente (ver Baer en post anterior). CIA estaba perdiendo el culo para taparlo todo mientras ofrecía fuegos artificiales como el bombardeo del parágrafo anterior.

No obstante, "President Clinton signs a directive authorizing the CIA to plan an assassination of bin Laden. The assassination never happens, supposedly because of inadequate intelligence. An officer who helped draw up the plans says, "We were ready to move" but "we were not allowed to do it because of this stubborn policy of risk avoidance... It is a disgrace".

Mis teorías de la co-operación quedan corroboradas con claridad: "Antoine Sfeir, a French Arab specialist, later claims that bin Laden was a CIA asset in the 1980s, and that the CIA maintains contact with bin Laden until this year. He says, "Those contacts didn't end after bin Laden moved to Afghanistan" . He isn't surprised by reports of bin Laden meeting with the CIA in July 2001 because, "Until the last minute, CIA agents hoped bin Laden would return to US command, as was the case before 1998." The CIA denies ever having any kind of relationship with bin Laden "
En efecto, todo encaja. Bin Laden es un agente que se les sube a las barbas con lo de Kenia y Tanzania. Aun así, CIA conocía bien sus actividades y algunos retenían el ascendente sobre el billonario. ¿Quienes?

Para muestra, un botón: "Former President George Bush Sr. meets with the bin Laden family on behalf of the Carlyle Group. The meeting takes place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This is one of two known meetings"

Mañana más, y mucho mejor.

AP, 9/8/02 AP, 7/17/02

Washington Post, 10/3/01 (C)]

[AP, 9/26/01 CNN, 9/18/01

New York Times, 12/8/01]

[Telegraph, 8/13/98

House International Relations Committee testimony
Manila Times, 10/2/01
Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/16/01
UPI, 11/1/01
Sunday Herald, 10/7/01
Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02]
Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, 10/12/98]
Sunday Herald, 3/16/03

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Pronto empezarían a encenderse todas las alarmas en FBI y CIA, pero el muro de ladrillos era ya demasiado prieto y el tiempo corría en su contra...

1998: CIA agent Robert Baer, newly retired from the CIA and working as a terrorism consultant, meets a former police chief from Qatar. He learns how 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was sheltered from the FBI by the Qatari Interior Minister Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani. He passes this information to the CIA in early 1998, but the CIA takes no action against Qatar's al-Qaeda patrons. The ex-police chief also tells him that Mohammed is a key aide to bin Laden, and that based on Qatari intelligence, Mohammed "is going to hijack some planes." He passes this information to the CIA as well, but again the CIA doesn't seem interested, even when he tries again after 9/11. Baer also tries to interest reporter Daniel Pearl in a story about Mohammed before 9/11, but Pearl is still working on it when he gets kidnapped and murdered.
En efecto, a la CIA no da abasto echando tierra sobre todo lo que les llega de sus agentes de campo. Creo que acaban de hacer una peli sobre el caso Pearl, alrededor del cual sé mucho pero no viene realmente al caso.

Al-Qaeda terrorists bomb the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The bomb in Nairobi, Kenya kills 213 people, including 12 US nationals, and injures more than 4,500. The bomb in Dar es Salaam kills 11 and injures 85
Cómo ya os adelanté, la bestia estaba fuera de control y además el desconcierto en CIA y FBI era ya mayúsculo, pues había múltiples agendas. Para muestra:

US intelligence finds information that bin Laden’s next operation could possibly involve crashing an aircraft loaded with explosives into a US airport and that al-Qaeda is trying to establish a terrorist cell within the US and are planning to strike a US domestic target. Dec. 98: A classified document signed by a senior US official states: "The intelligence community has strong indications that bin Laden intends to conduct or sponsor attacks inside the US."
Sin embargo, la agenda que prevalecería sería la de Brzezinsky y Kissinger, la de taparlo todo. Bin Laden era un agente CIA.

Northern Alliance capital Mazar-e-Sharif is conquered by the Taliban, giving them control of 90% of Afghanistan, including the entire pipeline route. The CentGas consortium, led by Unocal and the Saudi Arabian Delta Oil, is now "ready to proceed" with the gas pipeline that would run through Afghanistan. Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca - later to become a Special Ambassador to Afghanistan - testifies before the House of Representatives that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan the trans-Afghani pipeline will not be built. He suggests that with a pipeline through Afghanistan, the Caspian basin could produce 20 percent of all the non-OPEC oil in the world by 2010.

Ya lo ven, la maquinaria estaba en marcha, salvo que...

USA Today, 6/18/02 AP, 9/8/02 AP, 7/17/02
UPI, 9/30/02 Vanity Fair 2/02 Washington Post, 10/3/01 (C)]
See No Evil, Robert Baer, 2/02, pp. 270-271 [AP, 9/26/01
PBS Frontline, 2001
New York Times, 12/8/01]
Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/18/02 [Telegraph, 8/13/98
New York Times, 9/18/02
House International Relations Committee testimony
Cato Institute Library Chicago Tribune, 8/10/00

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

RANDom: Cuarta Temporada. Previously on RANDom...

Lo que pasa es que hace tanto tiempo que no actualizo que ni sé por dónde íbamos.
Veamos: el resúmen de la temporada anterior está aquí.

El resúmen de la última sería algo así:
1-Enron, Unocal y Haliburton deciden hacer un marco-oleoducto. Lamentablemente, deben cruzar Afghanistan.

2-Sudán reiteradamente ofrece a los EEUU los 'Archivos Bin Laden', pero estos los rechazan.

3-Los talibanes finalmente toman control de Afghanistan y se personan en Houston para negociar los términos del oleoducto con las petroleras tejanas.

Bien. El Jueves seguiremos adelante con esto. Entiendo que el material es denso y posiblemente no es el mejor blog para visitar desde el trabajo, pero creo que degustado en la intimidad del hogar ofrece cosas a la gente interesada en conocer más.

Veo que tenemos muchas visitas de suramérica, posiblemente atrídos por algunos nombres. En aras de tal, sacrificaré amenidad en pro de una esquemática exhibición de los hechos.

Cada vez nos acercamos más a 11-S o 9-11.

Hasta el Jueves.